12:03:00 PM


Looks like someone thinks she came from the future... Hmm I don't know what's up with me, obviously this is so not what I usually go for, but as soon as I laid my eyes on this gorgeous (and sort of weird?) skirt from Front Row Shop, this is exactly the kind of look I had on my mind for it. The skirt itself is so original that I definitely had to let it stand out and go for everything black on the rest of the outfit. And what about these crazy 'Lady Gaga' sunglasses? They were actually a gift from my aunt and to be honest I didn't think I would ever wear them, but they blend in so amazingly in this look, making the futuristic vibe of it even more intense. Actually I'm starting to think I might even dare wearing them on a more 'normal' everyday look. Well you know what they say, the first time is always the hardest... :D

Μάλλον κάποια νομίζει ότι ήρθε απ'το μέλλον... Χμμ δεν ξέρω τι μου συμβαίνει, προφανώς αυτό δεν είναι καθόλου το στυλ που φοράω συνήθως, αλλά μόλις είδα αυτήν την υπέροχη (και λίγο παράξενη;) φούστα απ'το Front Row Shop, ακριβώς έτσι είχα στο μυαλό μου να τη φορέσω. Η φούστα από μόνη της είναι τόσο ιδιαίτερη που έπρεπε σίγουρα να την αφήσω να ξεχωρίσει και να διαλέξω μαύρο για όλο το υπόλοιπο outfit. Και πώς σας φαίνονται αυτά τα τρελά 'Lady Gaga' γυαλιά; Ήταν βασικά δώρο απ'τη θεία μου και για να'μαι ειλικρινής δεν φανταζόμουν ότι θα τα φορέσω ποτέ, αλλά δένουν τόσο τέλεια σ'αυτό το look, κάνοντας το φουτουτιστικό στοιχείο ακόμη πιο έντονο. Βασικά τώρα που τα βλέπω σκέφτομαι ότι ίσως τα τολμήσω και σε ένα πιο 'νορμάλ' καθημερινό look. Είναι μέχρι να κάνεις την αρχή που λένε... :D

xx Rania

I was wearing :

crop top Mango
shoes Zara



  1. love this skirt and sunnies, super gorgeous look!!!

  2. OMG ,so so stylish ! love the skirt the shoes! everything! <3

  3. such an awesome outfit! in love with the shoes ♥

  4. you did such a great work with the styling! love the 'futuristic' style of the outfit

  5. I love this futuristic chic look!

  6. Love the look! Really breaker! :D

  7. Love this, the shoes are just fabulous!

  8. Love this futuristic outfit! I think is really clever and really unique.

  9. Love your skirt and heels! You look fab

  10. Gorgeous photos and perfect combo!

  11. I really love your outfit, its fresh and classy at the same time.

  12. Such a stunner, love your skirt! xx

  13. Oh, what a cool and unique skit! Love it :)

  14. the skirt is more than amazing!!!!

  15. This is such a cool mix of styles!

  16. THESE SHOES! Amazing xx

  17. Love your skirt and how you were able to make your outfit futuristic-like and still classy at the same time.

  18. Wow! Absolutely love this look! This shoes are just perfect!

  19. WOW THAT SKIRT IS AMAZING! Love the whole futuristic luxe style you have going on here. Such perfect styling and you look great!



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